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Rural Women Entrepreneurship in India

Rural Entrepreneurship is developing in India. There are many NGOs that empower women in setting up successful business ventures.
Entrepreneurship is not distinguished between men and women these days. However, due to lack of support from families and lack of confidence in women becoming business persons is seen. So there are many NGOs who help Rural women with moral support so that they become more determined in taking up Entrepreneurship.
NGOs such as RUDSETIs help rural women get access to information related to entrepreneurship. This type of development in establishing rural women entrepreneurs is very encouraging, motivating and a hope for many women.
Participating in A to Z challenge


  1. This is so important, Jahnavi. I was peripherally involved with a project in Fiji to help women in a local village develop a virgin coconut oil business. These sort of enterprises are vital, but need a huge amount of ongoing support to overcome a culture of women not being in control of their own business.

    Susan A Eames from
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

    1. Yes I agree with you. These sort of organisations or movements are suppressed or curbed by indirect pressures socially and economically.


  2. Very nice post.really I apperciate your blog.Thanks for sharing.keep sharing more blogs.


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