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Forts were built for protection. Each kingdom in India had forts and each village in India has forts.

 Forts were not just built for protection as they are all architectural wonders. Forts of England, Europe and Russia are known .for its architectural splendors. The Chitradurga fort in India is famous for its entrance because no one could find the correct entrance to the fort. There are 19 gateways and 36 entrances in Chitradurga fort. It is also said that they used to spill oil on rocks for an entrance so that no one could climb it and the oil pits can be seen in the fort even today. The Golkonda fort is famous for its architectural splendor. Anybody who enters the fort can hear their footsteps echo. Just clap or make a sound and you can hear the echo. Srirangapatna fort in Srirangapatna island has water gates that inundate the water levels whenever necessary.

Shivaji who conquered many forts used monitor-lizards to climb the walls of the fort. These are some interesting facts of some of the forts in India that I know about. There are many other forts in India such as Red fort, Gwalior fort, Fatehpur Sikhri fort, Chittur, Chittaurgarh fort, Bendakaluru (Bengaluru) fort and thousands more like that.

Human mind and heart is compared to fort sometimes. It is a very interesting subject if one wants to know about forts. It unfolds social, financial, geographical conditions of that particular place and kingdom.

I'm participating in A to Z challenge


  1. J here, stopping by from the #atozchallenge - where I am part of Arlee Bird's A to Z Ambassador Team.
    How has the first week of the challenge been for you so far? Are you meeting your goals of posting and hopping to other blogs?
    My blog has a giveaway with bonus a to z challenges to encourage people to visit more stops.
    Yes, forts can be very good looking. Especially the older ones.

    1. Hi J, I'm enjoying writing for a to z challenge. I make time in the night between 10p.m. and 12a.m. to post. I read other blogs but I'm a little hesitant to write comments..maybe because I'm new here :) But I have already written a few comments in other wonderful blogs
      Will surely visit your blog. thank you.


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