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Knowledge is great

Having worked on projects based on Green computing, Green networking and profiling power usage to reduce carbon footprint, my area of interest for specialisation will be "Energy and Sustainability". Since there is a constant growth and coverage in world-wide network communications, a constant growth in energy consumption of the networks can be observed. Green networking/Green computing is an innovative new approach to make environmental changes in our daily lives. The green initiatives adapted in companies are power saving policies, using cloud based services and applications, using new teleconferencing tools, server virtualisation and many more. The Green movement which has begun since the early 1990s is implemented in companies such as IBM, Intel, Google, NetApp, Siemens, Infosys and so on.

Green networking is a trending subject amongst researchers and I'm looking forward to attain knowledge in this subject at University of Southampton.The full time post-graduate course for Energy and Sustainability provided at the university of Southampton looks promising in building my career. I found more help on studying this course at University of Southampton in the UK via 

The global reputation at University of Southampton attracts International Students like me. There are plenty of reasons to join this university, some of them being the location as it is close to central London, sprawling campus, exceptional services for international students (immigration,visa, part-time job, accomodation and so on), various activities conducted in student clubs and the interesting course module provided.

This blog is an entry to Knowledge is great contest in


  1. Never knew subjects like these existed! Thanks for enlightening, got to know something new today! :)

    1. Thanks for reading my post :) I'm glad that you found interest in the subject

  2. I agree with Ragini. I've never heard of Green Computing before. It seems like an interesting subject. All the best for the contest :)

    1. Thanks for reading my post and taking interest in Green computing :)


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