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Be Cautious

We all know very well that we're living in the twenty first century. There has been a lot of changes over the time, a change in Indian civilisation but yet why can't we be cautious of where we are heading and how we can sculpt our life. Whether educated or uneducated women, it is so easy for people to clown women even in this century by taking marriage as a subject.

Arranged marriage is always a preferred option to most of the Indian families. There are many options to look for marriage alliances.Many think that "Gone are the days of brokers arranging a marriage" well, it's not...there are marriage brokers, online matrimonial services, matrimonial bureaus and so on. A friend of mine selected matrimonial bureau where one can go in person, view the profiles of the so called "eligible bachelors" write down their contact numbers and finally get to contact their family.She preferred a person who had a good job, cared for her feelings, ambitious and so on, exactly what a middle class lady in her mid twenties would want. It was only a week before her wedding that the drama started to unfold. The groom to be was kicked out of his parents house! An age old drama but why in the 21st century? A true shock as it obviously would be, the guys family assures the girls family that he will take care of her staying in an apartment. Should they believe it or not? well, they believed in them.

Just a week after her wedding, the normal saas-bahu soap drama starts...She hardly knows how to handle it, why? she grew up around academicians and social workers contributing a lot to the society, what was going on with her parents in law? she sat down to do her painting and her mother-in-law would come to the room cleaning with a broom stick, she tries the kitchen and the food she cooks is thrown away, the tea she makes no one drinks, tries to step out of the house to explore the new area but everything will be bought by the father-in-law and she has to stay back.Eventually, she is locked up sometimes too, her inner clothes hanging on brooms and night dresses spread as covers on washing machine, clothes go missing and once noticed it'll be put back somewhere in the cupboard the next day, constant drugging in food provided, cutting down the water provision for bathing and so on. Further more, if she cries and is suffering with pain, it's only a drama according to them, cross questions from friends and relatives of the guy comes pouring in.

The next question is "does she have her husband's support?" well...there's always a bond between mother and son, if the mother says "Don't believe her, she's a liar", the son believes it and this is exactly the "formula" used in the saas-bahu soaps as well. For her the constant question in her mind was "was it the same family who spoke to us so well before wedding? Why are they treating me like this? what more do they want from me?" My question is "why didn't they get cautious when the drama unfolded a week before the wedding? why did they believe others words who said they are good people?Why such sort of torture now in 2013? "

This type of mental torture to many women in our country exists even to today. This is beyond dowry harassment. There are so many initiatives taken by the Government for harassed women, I can only hope that it helps my friend.


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