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Stay safe and don't give up

 Hi Everyone, I hadn't written in a while and I thought maybe I should write something here today.

Coco and I

Last year in 2020, we faced the pandemic and survived. I couldn't keep any art exhibitions. Although we lived close to our relatives, we couldn't see each other. It got much scarier when our street was sealed. My only worry at that time was " If my parents and I pass away with covid, who will take care of Coco?". Yes, Coco is my wonderful pug who saved my life by coming in a box into our home on 01 September 2018. I had become very fragile or vulnerable after my divorce...broken to be exact. Coco made me feel like I should be alive and everything would be alright.

Life hasn't been easy but definitely has been better than the past 10 years of my life. I might be known as a bubbly, vibrant, lively young woman since my college days but I'm kind of a boring, serious, and emotional person. I have army blood in my veins so I face challenges that life throws at me and I try to survive. "Survival" is all that I have experienced from 2011 to 2021. With the variant Omicron spreading rapidly, I'm getting the same thought again..." what about my Coco?"

Rosalind and Patrick Jane in The Mentalist

Anybody who knows me, knows very well that my favorite show is "The Mentalist". Back in 2015, I was facing a very tough time, so difficult that I cannot pen down one instance in detail. At that time I took refuge at my parent's house to just get a decent hot water shower and plate full of food. However, the pain in my heart wouldn't allow me to swallow a morsel of food. At this time, came no friend no family but Simon Baker as Patrick Jane in The Mentalist. A show which I used to watch and gulp down my food. Patrick Jane is a consultant with the CBI in California. He used to be a psychic whose wife and daughter were murdered brutally by a serial killer named "Red John". Bruno Heller is a genius who created this show. Every episode has a unique meaning with "Red" interconnected to it. What touched me the most in Season1 was episode 23. The heaviness felt in knowing how cold a person is Red John, who uses his accomplice's son and a blind woman Rosalind for his gains. The pain while listening to Rosalind play Bach which Red John loved to listen to. The expressions on Patrick Jane's face when he loses Hardy yet has to console himself for saving the young girl Maya, giving back a daughter to a family and also saving his boss Teresa Lisbon who is allowing him to work on Red John cases. There's more in the next season...I will keep writing about The Mentalist every now and then from now on. But Episode 23 in season 1 just made me realise that there are psychos and psychics, humans and monsters, humanity and inhumanity and I have to be strong no matter what if I have to believe that humanity exists.

So, I'm working for 12 hours a day only to get a job in graphic designing. If I write a blog it does not mean that I'm jobless or useless. Some people who have talent cannot submerge it and live, there'll be an outburst at some point...This year I had a beautiful art exhibition held at Karnataka Chitrakala Parishat in October. I have to plan right from now for another in 2022. My only hope now is to stay fit and healthy in order to continue surviving.

Stay Safe my lovelies and don't give up, <3

Jahnavi KJ


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