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Udaya Ravi Chandrika Raga

#AtoZChallenge 2020 Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter U
Udaya Ravi Chandrika Raga is the janya raga of 20th melakartha Nata Bhairavi. 
Shadja, sadharana gandhara, shuddha madhyama, panchama and kaishiki nishada are the swara sthanas of this raga. This is a saarvakalika raga and rakti raga. The jaaru gamaka is used in the raga which enhances the beauty of the raga.
Some of the famous compositions are
Lakshya geethe: chakra khandita, Dhruva tala by Subbarama Dixit. Himagiri thanaye, adi tala by Muthiah Bhagavatar. Varamu,adi tala by pattam Subramanya Iyer
References: Raga Tana Pallavi by Vedavathi, ragas and raginis by gangoly, the history of indian classical music by Goswami O


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