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The meaning from the Oxford dictionary:
Middle English (in the sense ‘mortification by scourging oneself’): via Old French from Latin disciplina ‘instruction, knowledge’, from discipulus
Discipline (noun):
1.    The practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience.
2.    The controlled behaviour resulting from such training.
3.    Activity that provides mental or physical training.
4.    A system of rules of conduct.
5.    A branch of knowledge, typically one studied in higher education.
Discipine (verb):
1.    Train (someone) to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience.
2.    Punish or rebuke formally for an offence.
3.    (discipline oneself to do something) Train oneself to do something in a controlled and habitual way.

Discipline in school:
In school, discipline is about the institution having code of conduct, scheme for behaviour, punishment to balance the students and keep the school regulations and classrooms in sequence. The goal for classroom discipline is to control the students habits, attitude, behaviour and actions, for example: following school timings, wearing ironed and clean uniforms, being obedient and polite. Punishments are given if the code of conduct is not followed and in order to follow discipline.

Discipline at work:
Discipline at work is often viewed as punishment. Indiscipline at work such as usage of rude or abusive language, thieving, excessive tardiness, dishonesty etc are viewed as punishable in general. However, it need not be punitive. Generally, the supervisor corrects the behaviour of an employee to make sure that the company or organisation’s rules, regulations and guidelines are followed, without punitive or humiliating measurements.
The guidelines can be progressive and corrective.
The corrective guideline is to give verbal and written warnings proclaiming the misconduct or objectionable behaviour by the employee and how he/she can improvise and meet expectations of the company. If the employee has shown undesired work performance, they must be given training and then they should meet the standards of the work at the company.
The progressive guideline grants an employee with inadmissible behaviours to improve. After the corrective guideline, which is to give verbal and written warnings, if the employee continues the same behaviour, the company proceeds to terminate their employment in the company.
Exceptions: If a supervisor or manager sends written warning for being late for 5 minutes to a newcomer who has a difference in clock, it is totally called bullying or mobbing at work.

Discipline in personal life/ Self-discipline:
Dictionary: Self-discipline is the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weaknesses.
"Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do. Simply, self-discipline enables you to think first and act afterward."-Napoleon Hill
Some of the terms which describe self-discipline are determination, patience, acceptance, etc. So, it is a habit, a routine and a way of living life in general.
Completing a task which was started can be referred to as self-discipline which leads to success. Whereas, inability of self-control in avoiding unhealthy habits is not self-discipline. But, self-discipline need not be punitive.
A person who invests his/her time and efforts in doing a task with focus is doing a self-disciplinary act and successfully taking control of their life. It doesn’t matter how much time is involved. A person can be slow or fast. We are humans and are designed differently unlike programmed machines!
Exceptions: If somebody wakes up at 7 a.m. and get their work done, it’s definitely self-disciplinary. One should not complaint about others personal routine unnecessarily. He/she can take a day off from the routine because of a fever or a cramp and attend to it so that they can get well and continue to achieve their goals. Nobody can complaint about a sick person not waking up at 6 a.m.

Although we are civilized and follow discipline, it is not mandatory at all times for everybody to follow. During natural calamities, the victims cannot follow discipline.


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