It's human nature to get frightened after an injury. Likewise, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a type of mental illness that affects some people due to their traumatic injury. It can occur at any age, from childhood to old age.It's a psychiatric issue which is common yet unrecognized in many patients.
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Image source: google images for PTSD |
The reason or cause for PTSD are several. Events such as threatened death or violent death, intense fear, torture, helplessness, witnessing or being a victim of natural calamities, lack of support from family/friends after a surgery are a few causes for PTSD to occur. Many patients who suffer from orthopedic trauma develop symptoms of PTSD too. It occurs even after the wound is healed/healing. It is also commonly seen in Veterans and soldiers after a war.
The symptoms for PTSD may include intrusion symptoms such as disturbed sleep, dreams related to the traumatic experience.Without proper treatment, lack of support from the people whom you love makes one to feel lonely and pathetic,gives more chances for these symptoms to develop.
The reason I'm writing about PTSD is to bring an awareness about this illness. If this is recognized at an early stage then the patient can be given appropriate counselling and medication. People can be inhumane and torture the patient more by not providing any support. Provide 100% support to the patient to cure him/her to stand up on their feet again.
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Image source:Google images for PTSD |
The reason I'm writing about PTSD is to bring an awareness about this illness. If this is recognized at an early stage then the patient can be given appropriate counselling and medication. People can be inhumane and torture the patient more by not providing any support. Provide 100% support to the patient to cure him/her to stand up on their feet again.
Great effort for a neglected cause!