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Sailing through the sea of fragrance

It is very common for everybody to have experienced an instance where a faint fragrance fetches a lot of memories.  In our daily lives we tend to forget about these moments completely but it emerges in our minds as it is present somewhere in our brain.

Every morning when I water the hibiscus plant in our garden I remember travelling to Coorg. I like to visit  locales that have blissful atmosphere and a magical spiritual element. On our(myself and my husband) way to Tamara resort in coorg there were a lot of hibiscus flowers on the sides of the road. A few moments later a mysterious yet attractive smell came through the car windows which I realized was from the pepper vines spiraling around the Arecanut trees.  As soon as we reached the resort, we were greeted with a Polianthes Tuberose (Sugandharaja flower) garland and put a dot on my forehead with sandalwood paste. The refreshing Polianthes tuberose and sandalwood aroma made me forget the long and tiring journey.
After having a cup of tea we went to take a tour of coffee plantation. Not a single thing can be sweeter than the aroma of coffee flowers.  I have always experienced the flavor of cardamom at home i.e, in a variety of dishes or in home remedies for nausea and so on but in Coorg, I experienced the fragrance of cardamom from the garden. The leaves of cardamom plant give a strong yet scintillating fragrance which I remember even today when I use cardamom in my kitchen.
The next morning, we started for the trekking trail of slopes, valleys and through a forest to the top of the mountain. Fallen leaves in the forest itself enhance the sensory experience. The smell was fresh like wind through grass. On our way back, we stopped at my uncle’s place in Mysore who has a beautiful backyard filled with Jasmine plants. Early in the morning, the dew drops on each jasmine flower and leaves gave a divine fragrance which I long to experience again and again.

While travelling back to Bangalore with all these fresh memories, we were blessed to watch and drive through first summer showers. The parched fields of Ragi and paddy started taking all the tiny drops of rain and release a heavenly fragrance from underneath the soil. As the rain drops began to grow in size and get us drenched we were forced to close the windows. The mild fragrance of Godrej aer started filling the atmosphere inside the car. I took a deep breath and enjoyed the rest of the journey to Bangalore. Whenever I come to my garden I remember all these rich and vibrant memories.
This is my entry for  #InspireAFragrance contest on Indiblogger.


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