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Life is not predictable

Life is so unpredictable. So is Hazel's in "The Fault of Our Stars" by John Green. I'm not writing a book review here. You've got to read this book :) This fabulous book just doesn't allow anything to dislike in it and is a gripping story which is smart, funny and heartbreaking.
Hazel is a 16 year old cancer patient who recently starts attending a support group. Her story changes when she meets Augustus Waters in the supporting group. As you go on reading you find some amazing lines, I found my amazing favorite line in the book: " The existence of broccoli does not, in any way, affect the taste of chocolate".
Image source: Google Images, animated by me

I appreciate John Green's work and efforts for this book. I mean these days there are hardly any writers and some so called writers watch TV soaps and publish a book. Well this is happening in my country atleast. 

There are people who write about cancer as if it's going to come and go quickly, but there is so much of suffering, sadness and courage involved with it. I have seen patients whose days were numbered, writhing with pain.Not only the patients but the people around them, families and friends will also suffer and are left with scars in their minds.The book explains it all. 
Last year during this same time when I was ill, still recovering, handling a lot of pain had to read a horrifying sentence "Vivek's wife will die of cancer" , well you wish it was that easy huh..?? I'm still alive. I have never had cancer. I have always been fit and healthy and now, very happy eating my husband's head everyday and he drilling my head ofcourse :)  
However, I really enjoyed reading this book. There's a movie being released based on this novel too. 


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