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Colors of Hope

The bright colors in the pattachitra paintings are exquisite. Once you view these paintings you feel spellbound and go on viewing the paintings again and again.Worldwide appreciation will always exist for these kind of exquisite paintings. Such traditional and creative art is preserved in Raghurajpur, Orissa.
Pattachitra art
Picture Source:

The pattachitra art is generally made on canvas, the usage of startling bright colors signifies this art. In this art, along with the mythological characters, importance is also given to the nature and abstract designs. Every villager of Raghurajpur is an artist, dedicated to their art work.
To get justice and good value for their art, to get good education for their kids and get medical benefits, the artists can firstly provide easy accessibility for commoners to travel to Raghurajpur for direct purchases. Purchasing should not become a monopoly and a standard amount should be made for every purchaser. The artists can learn different languages and participate in exhibitions such as handicraft exhibitions. The artists, in large groups should go to capital cities and auction their paintings for a good sale price. A website can also help in marketing and selling of their paintings and crafts.
Ganjifa art
Picture source:

The Ganjifa art which is famous in Mysore faded away from the field of art around 200 years back. It was revived recently by Sri Raghupathi Bhatta, he has trained a lot of students. Now, there is a lot of demand for Ganjifa art. If proper steps are taken, the pattachitra art of Raghurajpur can be preserved and the artists will get their rewards.

To know more about these artists visit

This is my entry for DoRight an initiative by Tata Capital on Indiblogger's Indichange


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