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Two days ago, I was standing in a long serpentine queue in the bank and was getting a little frustrated. Two women in their thirties were standing behind me and their chit chatting entertained me for a while. Few minutes later, I saw a poster on the wall near the last counter that read "what did you leave behind in 2011?" well it was regarding a charity work, the name which I apparently forgot...but I couldn't stop thinking about that question. What did I leave behind in 2011? On my way back home it occurred to me that I left behind fear in 2011! Fear of open and honest communication, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of judgement, fear of being wrong, fear of being victimised, fear of insult...Fear can be so destructive and to be honest I'm sick of it. Why should fear hold us back from the things we want most in life? The things that we deserve, for which we work hard...Life is an amazing, incredible gift. In life, we get to challenge ourselves every day to go further, achieve higher than we had ever possibly thought of. There's nothing impossible when we fear less. Without fear it doesn't matter if we "fail".Without fear we stand tall and confident no matter how large the obstacle may appear, no matter how many times we fall along the way. Fear is like a mask isn't it? We wear it in order to be right about not being good enough, in order to feel comfortable. Because the unknown can be scary! When we are miserable where we are at, sometimes we rather stay in that place because we don't know what else is out there and the thoughts of "change" can be very scary! But what kind of life is that anyway? A life where we suppress our deepest desires and passions due to fears that we might not succeed or that we don't have what it takes?? To be honest, I get scared all the time! Though I'm scared I go for it anyway, because my desire to grow and the world I envision living in is so strong that nothing can hold me back from it. So In 2011 I left my fears behind!  we all can leave behind fears.They no longer serve us. They keep us from viewing the strength and the immense beauty of life, keep us from achieving our highest potential as individuals and as human beings. The only time we have is NOW. If we can face our fears now, imagine the kind of future we can create for ourselves and the future generations. I vow to love myself and everyone around me unconditionally this year because love will always conquer fear. 


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