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Infosys trip from our college

On 5th March 2011, 30 of us went to the SPARK program conducted by Infosys from our college ISiM. SPARK is an initiative for students  to enlighten students and prospective employees of the company.  We were late by an hour and we learnt about time management .With us were a college from Satara and a college from Kannur. In the session we learnt about the history of Infosys which was inspirational.  In between they screened videos titled as "Leader Speak"  from leaders like N.R.Narayan Murthy and Nandan Nilekani. 
After a short tea break we re-entered the hall to know more about Finacle. The Finacle song in the end entertained us.Shortly we were accompanied by yet another college CMRIT who joined us as latecomers. Now we learnt about a centre called PmCoe – Project Management Center of Excellence in Infosys, which has developed an approach called Project Think Approach. This approach is towards taking every task in our daily lives as  a project and following certain steps to make it a success. They are:

1. Identify the objectives.
2. Identify assumptions and constraints.
3. Address those constraints that really count in the end.
4. Identify what needs to be done (the scope).
5. Determine the plan of action.
6. Identify the risks.
7. Anticipate the risks and reduce their effect on the goal.
We were then asked to give feedbacks. From each college a faculty member and a student were supposed to give feedbacks and unfortunately the student who gave feedback for ISiM gave a back answer to the host of the program which made us all get upset...
Later the lunch and the tour of the campus cheered all of us.
Overall, the SPARK program and Infosys visit was awesome! 


  1. A beautiful anecdote :) with significant revere to the steps to accomplish success in everything we do :) Good one :)


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