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Showing posts from July, 2019


MEDITATION Meditation is an ancient practice and also a popular culture practiced globally. Meditation is known as Dhyana in India. Dhyana focuses on attention towards body and mind. The practice of Meditation helps in achieving transcendence. Today, meditation is practiced in various forms all over the world where people try to seek inner calmness. The origin of the practice of meditation is observed in several religious factors. Meditation is associated with Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Early findings (such as wall art) about meditation were found in Indus Valley civilisation dated 2000 BCE in the form of wall arts which was recovered by archaeologists. It was later found in Vedas and Puranas in India. Veda purana Kaala (1200 BC) had Dhyana(Meditation). It was passed on by word of mouth to the next generation. The Bhagavad Gita, an ancient epic poem of India dated 400 BCE also mentions meditation. The purpose of Dhyana was to ...